Sunday, August 12, 2012

Cute and Curious

Mike was getting the twins out of the van the other day and said, "Okay pumpkins! It's time to go inside." Mikayla was apparently not okay with this and stated, "No! I'm not a pumpkin."  Mike said, "Okay then, what are you if you're not a pumpkin?" Mikayla thought for a moment and then replied, "Ummmm, Sleeping Beauty." So Mike looked over and asked Caleb, "What are you? Are you a pumpkin?"  Caleb just looked at Mike and smiled for a time while contemplating. Then he replied with a big smile, "Handsome."

Two nights ago we put the twins to bed with their normal routine. After about 30 minutes, we began to hear tiny foot-steps above our heads (we were down in the basement watching a movie).  So Mike went upstairs to go see what was going on. When he opened the twins' bedroom door, Mikayla had flipped the light-switch on and was over by Caleb's toddler bed peering in at him while he was fast asleep.  In her hands was a hard, Lego giraffe which she was moving back and forth around his ears. Mike asked, "Mikayla, what are you doing? You're supposed to be asleep."  Mikayla looked up at Mike and said innocently, "I'm looking for ear-wigs in Caleb's ears."  Mike had to cover his mouth to keep from laughing as he helped assist her back to bed.  

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